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Showing posts from October, 2019

BBC4 Programme on Metamorphosis

I've just watched a programme entitled Metamorphosis: The Science of Change . The BBC have reached rock bottom. The small amount of real science was swamped by the main theme – that humans can be said to undergo metamorphosis in "the truest broadest sense of the word". David Malone starts with dark emotive re-imaginings of basic biological processes, giving them overtones of the Alien films. Talking about metamorphosis in sea urchins, he asks a researcher "Does the process bother you?". He describes the life forms of some animals as "overlapping in a disturbing way". He uses the term "shape-shift" and talks of an animal "consuming its own brain". This is all deliberate for what is to come. After failing to get an obstetrician to describe neonatal changes as metamorphosis, he changes tack and babbles the following pseudo-psychological claptrap. Humans have a deep-seated dread of the process. Even his examples are weak. Jekyll ...